We all would like to have a little extra spending money. It’s hard out there, after all! Wages aren’t what they used to be, and most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. You can’t be blamed for looking for a way to make a little money on the side.
There are a number of side gigs out there that can be an amazing way to make a little extra cash. There are so many different side hustles, in fact, that it shouldn’t be difficult at all to find something that’s perfectly suited for you.
Read on, and we’ll walk you through our favorite ways to earn extra money.
1. Start Pet Sitting or Dog Walking
Everyone knows that forming a relationship with an animal can be a pure and rewarding experience. Owning a dog can be a lot of money, time and responsibility. But spending a few hours with one once a week– and they PAY you for it? That’s a dream.
It may sound too good to be true, but pet sitting and dog walking can be a great way to make some extra cash. Responsible pet owners are always looking for help taking care of their animals.
They might need someone to check in on their pets while they’re at work, while they go on vacation, or in a variety of other situations. There are even services you can sign up for that can ping you when someone nearby needs their pet checked on or taken for a walk.
2. Rent a Spare Room
Never use that spare bedroom in the back room of your home? You can turn it into extra income. With Airbnb and other such services becoming so massively popular, it doesn’t have to be hard to find someone willing to pay for your room for the weekend.
Of course, you have to be comfortable with the idea of someone being around your house while you’re there (or while you aren’t). But most visitors just need a place to sleep and will be off being tourists or working for most of their stay.
In terms of the work you have to put in compared to the money you get, this one is hard to beat. All you have to do is set up the room nicely with some quilt covers and you should be good to go.
3. Participate in Some Studies
Data is king these days, and you’d be surprised to know how much people are willing to pay just to get your opinion on a number of things. There are a number of research centers where you can register your information and get notified about paid studies in your area.
While you won’t always be selected for studies, it can pay big for your time if you do. Often, a focus group will have you come in for somewhere between one and three hours. In return, you could be handed anywhere from $100 to $300.
Side Gigs to Make Extra Cash
Everyone could use a little extra cash, and the above side gigs can be the perfect low-stress way to do so.
Need more advice? Check out our budget page for more.
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