A mesothelioma diagnosis can be the most devastating news to receive. However, knowing that you can’t be cured can be more distressing for you physically and emotionally. While it is common to feel anxious and uncertain after being diagnosed with this illness, you don’t have to give up hope. In fact, a ton of information is available online that will allow you to make your life significantly more comfortable, regardless of contracting mesothelioma. Not to mention, you also have the support of your friends and family during such a testing time.
Furthermore, living with mesothelioma is about managing your pain appropriately. There are various ways to do that, depending on the severity and stage of your cancer. However, the stage of your cancer will decide whether or not treatment will do you any good. For instance, treatment will be more effective for people suffering from first-stage mesothelioma than those who’ve been diagnosed with the fourth stage. That being said, let us look at a few ways mesothelioma patients can have a better life after being diagnosed with this illness.
Consider Your Treatment Options
Although it won’t be possible to fix irreversible lung damage caused by mesothelioma, you can still make your life more comfortable by undergoing the necessary treatment. That said, the type of treatment you require will depend on your cancer’s stage and severity. For instance, if you contract pleural mesothelioma, you might be required to undergo chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, or a combination of the three, depending on your diagnosis. These types of treatments will prevent your cancer from spreading to other parts of your body. The treatments will also ensure that you remain pain-free for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, your oncologist might suggest you look at other mesothelioma treatment options such as oxygen therapy to alleviate pain and minimize symptoms.
Look For Support In Your Local Community
It is a well-known fact that a mesothelioma diagnosis will drastically impact your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Therefore, consider looking for support and help from your friends and family to reduce the stress associated with a mesothelioma diagnosis. Sometimes, your loved ones might not understand the severity of the situation you’re going through. In such a case, search for a support network within your local community.
Signing up with these local cancer support groups will provide you the opportunity to interact with individuals going through the same situation as yours. Furthermore, you can also get in touch with a local cancer social worker. They will help you take advantage of the resources available to mesothelioma patients. Such support and help will allow you to live out the rest of the days of your life in peace and comfort.
Reduce Stress
Very few life experiences are more stress-inducing than battling mesothelioma. However, such stress and anxiety will take a toll on your body and mind, making the situation worse than before. That said, numerous studies state that stress-reduction is a powerful technique for mesothelioma patients as far as reducing stress and improving quality of life are concerned. So, consider eliminating all stress from your life by using the following methods.
- Perform stress management exercises such as mindful meditation and deep breathing
- Undergo less-evasive treatments
- Give yoga a try
- Identify your stressors and eliminate them ASAP.
In the end, the more effectively you manage your stress, the more comfortable your life will be.
Exercise Regularly
Daily exercise is typically safe, depending on your cancer stage, and is recommended for mesothelioma patients to battle it. Numerous studies show that low-impact, moderate-level exercise improves your mental and physical health in the long and short term while improving your quality of life. What’s more, even a short fifteen-minute walk on the treadmill will help alleviate pain and improve your energy levels and mood. A few exercise tips for mesothelioma patients include:
- Finding an enjoyable workout
- Setting weekly or daily workout goals
- Starting with low-impact exercises
- Working out at least four days a week
Eat A Healthy Diet
There is no doubt that any effective health and wellness program starts with the right food choices. Mesothelioma patients who look after themselves with the help of a healthy diet are more prone to enjoying their life. In fact, according to studies conducted by the University of Western Australia and Edith Cowan University, mesothelioma patients are more likely to suffer from a reduced appetite which can cause malnutrition in the long haul. Such a thing could drastically impact the quality of life in mesothelioma patients.
Furthermore, malnourished patients will feel irritable and tired, have lower energy levels, and have a more challenging time recovering when they get sick. That said, a few diet and nutrition tips for mesothelioma patients include.
- Reducing red meat intake
- Avoiding alcohol and unhealthy fats
- Eating food high in fiber
- Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits
- Maintaining a healthy weight
Learn To Manage Your Pain
No person should live in pain and discomfort, let alone cancer patients. However, various studies state that around half of all cancer patients cannot manage their pain well. When talking about mesothelioma patients, too many individuals think that they cannot reduce the pain caused by their disease.
Pain management aims to allow patients to limit or reduce pain caused by their cancer and the after-effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These include acupuncture, mindful meditation, exercise, medicine, etc.
Learn Everything You Can About Your Disease
Improving your understanding of your mesothelioma will prove beneficial in the short and long term. Doing so will allow you to learn how your disease affects your overall health and the steps you can take to minimize its effects. So, take some time and research how the healthcare industry is working towards improving mesothelioma treatments and therapies. Researchers and healthcare professionals are working day and night to find less-invasive treatment options to eliminate mesothelioma for good.
Mesothelioma patients looking to manage their pain and improve their quality of life should consider visiting an oncologist who knows everything about this disease. After all, a skilled healthcare professional will look at your medical condition from every angle and help you select the best treatment option for you.
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