If you have expensive or sentimental jewelry, whether it’s a vintage engagement ring that once belonged to your grandmother or a diamond necklace you were given as a gift, it’s important that you know how to keep these items safe and secure in your home. The failure to do so could result in the jewelry losing its value or integrity or even becoming misplaced or stolen.
To show you how you can best protect any and all of these expensive items that you own, here are three tips for safely storing your jewelry at home.
Be Careful With The Environment
To make sure your jewelry stays in pristine condition while it’s stored, you must be careful about the environment in which you keep it.
According to Lauren Thomann, a contributor to The Spruce, you’ll want to store your jewelry in a place where it won’t be subjected to extreme temperatures or humidity. If you were to leave your jewelry in a place that’s too warm, too cold, has too much direct sunlight, or is too humid, it can easily become tarnished or discolored. For this reason, you should seek to store your jewelry at room temperature and in an area where it can stay out of direct sunlight.
Keep Most Things Out Of Sight
Because your jewelry is going to be most protected when it’s not in the sunlight, Lindsey Mather, a contributor to Architectural Digest, recommends that you should try to keep it out of sight when you store it. This can easily be done by putting it in a well-organized drawer or keeping it in your closet.
While the options mentioned above will work for jewelry that isn’t too expensive or sentimental, anything that you’re worried about being stolen should probably be stored in a more secure way, like in a safe.
Get A Safe
If you do choose to get a safe in which to keep your jewelry, there are actually multiple reasons why this could be a good idea for you.
According to Steven John, a contributor to Business Insider, keeping your jewelry in a safe will help ensure that your expensive or sentimental jewelry won’t be easily stolen if someone were to gain access to your bedroom. As long as the safe you choose is secure enough not to get broken into and is large enough that it can’t be easily carried off, your jewelry should be secure in a safe.
In addition to this type of protection, a safe can also help to keep your jewelry safe from fire or water damage. So if you’re concerned about these things, a safe can give you some added protection as well.
If you have jewelry that you’re wanting to keep safe while you store it in your home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you accomplish this.
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