The world is changing rapidly because of the advancement in technology. This change is influencing every sector including the educational sector. The difference between how formal education was carried out two decades ago and how it is carried out now is clear. This is why you cannot compare the services of a professional thesis writer now to the services of those in the 80s. The world has changed a lot since then and one of the most impact technological advancement is the internet. Google is one of the key companies that drove the internet to global adoption. Some of its tech developments can be used efficiently in the classroom as well.
How Can Google Apps Be Used Effectively In The Classroom?
1. Explore The Internet With Google Chrome
Whether you’re in the classroom or you’re busy writing a thesis for yourself or someone else, Google Chrome helps you get direct access to a pool of resources on the internet. It is the most popular browser in the world and it is used by millions of people around the globe. Google Chrome is typically pre-installed on Android devices but you may need to update it from time to time. If you’re a teacher, you can show your students how to quickly search for information using Google Chrome.
2 Google Docs And Google Drive
These are two useful apps by the tech giant. Google Docs is a writing app that allows you to type, edit, and save crucial content on the cloud. You can grant your students access to a particular document you’re working on so that they can see the edits you make as soon as you make them. Google docs can be used to type an entire dissertation and there will be no fear of losing your content as everything is saved on the cloud. Google docs usually work with Google drive. You can decide to save documents from Google Docs on your device or on the drive.
3. Google Hangouts And Google Plus
These apps are excellent for promoting communication outside the classroom. Learning doesn’t have to stop when school closes, it can continue with an app like Google Hangouts. If you’re a teacher, you can create a bond with your students or fellow teachers using an app like this. Ph.D. students can also use Google Hangouts to interact and share ideas with other Ph.D. students when they are planning a dissertation. Google Plus is also efficient in helping you content with like minds around the world.
4. Google Slides And Google Drawings
Google Slides is perfect for creating slideshows for a more interactive learning experience. If there is a topic that requires a lot of visual content, you can use the Google Slides app to make the presentation more interesting and engaging. Google Drawings allows you to create the perfect images. You don’t need to pay for expensive images or use already existing images with an app like Google Drawings. Whether the visual aids are for your thesis or for a classroom project, Google Drawings will help you get what you want.
5. Google Forms
Google Forms allow you to keep track of information about your students or your projects. If you’re a teacher who is interested in keeping tabs on the progress of individual students, Google Forms might be just what you need. It makes creating forms easy.
There are many other Google Apps that can be used in the classroom either by students or by teachers. Before you can use any of the Google Apps, you will be required to have a Google account which is typically attached to an email address. Don’t worry, the account is free. With these apps, your thesis writing or teaching will be easier and faster. Professionals on claim to use these apps for their projects as well.
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