If you are thinking of building your own home, then there is a lot you need to know and consider at the design stage.
Thomas Studio, based in Hereford in the UK provide a host of information, their guide being sure to help you on your way to building your own dream home.
The Things You Need To Know
• You’ll need to understand just what building a house entails
• What the major decisions are when choosing to self-build
• How to pick the right house plan layout
• How to work out how much floor space you need
• Just what the cost to build a house per square foot is
• All about the home building process
Hidden Costs
There are lots of hidden costs in the process of buying land and building your dream home, and you need to understand about all of these before you start the process.
For example, when you are purchasing a piece of land, you need to be able to ask the right questions before you start as well as fully understanding your needs and options.
Whether you are experienced at buying plots of land or are a first time self-builder who wants to buy land to build your own home from scratch, you really do need to understand what is involved.
The guide provided by Thomas Studio will provide you with a whole lot of answers to the many questions in understanding what is involved in the self-build process. It is a sad fact that many self-builders fail, simply because they don’t carry out all the necessary research.
There is no doubt that designing and building your dream new home is a complex process and it can be a daunting one too. However, with the right support and guidance, you can be sure to reach your goal, that of a perfect dream house and in just the location too.
One of the biggest issues to consider is what your new home has to provide, how you like to live and how this new home can meet those needs. Only when these needs and the options you have available are known is it possible to move forward.
Many self-builders want to build a ‘green home’, one that is easy on the environment and uses sustainable components. Often, they also desire a better build quality than that provided by traditional volume house builders.
However, constructing a green home will more often than not increase the overall project costs. You therefore need to be fully aware of all of the implications and hidden extra costs when using green technology and green building materials in your home.
The good news is that whilst the construction costs are often higher for green self builds, the running costs tend to be lower. You can also sometimes obtain grant payments which will offset the initial investment.
Designing and building your own home
So, what are the hidden and ‘unknown’ costs in the self build process.
Stamp duty is still payable, not to mention the clearing and excavation of the site.
You also have to be aware that the type of soil will influence such things as the type of septic system, not to mention the depth of the foundations.
One of the biggest issues is working out the actual cost to build a detached home. Once you have a good idea of the overall cost, you will want to hire a contractor that can deliver the project on budget.
That however is not as easy as it sounds as contractors are known to maximise their profit by using cheap materials whenever they can. It is therefore necessary to decide what quality design standards you want adhered too. Once decided, these standards can be written into the building contract, thus ensuring you get the standard of build you require.
There are advantages of building a custom home though.
One of the biggest advantages about building your own home is the fact that, when properly planned, that it can be very enjoyable and rewarding process. What you need is a guide to make sure you ask the right questions at all stages and who will point you in the right direction throughout the entire process.
About Author: Rudy is an outstanding author and blogger. He loves to write on various topics especially on Home improvement.
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