How much does a termite inspection cost?
It’s not as expensive as you might think. We’ve put together this guide to show you how much you should expect to spend during a termite inspection so you can set enough money aside.
Keep reading to learn more!
Breaking Down the Cost of a Termite Inspection
It’s difficult to put an exact price tag on the price of a termite inspection. The cost can vary depending on a number of factors.
However, on average, you’ll end up paying between $75 and $150 for this type of inspection. When you talk to a pest control company about the estimate, though, don’t be surprised to hear the number go up or down on either end.
The bigger your home, the longer the inspection will take. This means the price will get higher as well.
The Company You Hire
Every company chargers a slightly different amount for their inspection services. Because of this, it’s a good idea to spend some time shopping around before you hire anyone.
But this doesn’t mean you should choose the cheapest option!
Remember, you get what you pay for. Instead of going with the cheapest company you can find, do your research. Read their reviews so you can find the best services and the most affordable price.
What Happens During a Termite Inspection?
There are several different types of termite inspections. For example, you can hire a pest control company to inspect your home, a home inspector can look for signs of termites before you buy or sell a home, or you can get handover inspections.
No matter what type of inspection you get, though, they’ll all be about the same.
The inspector will go through your home and look for any signs of termites. This means they’ll have to climb into your attic, go down into the basement, get into your crawlspace, and check other “at-risk” areas.
They’ll also spend some time outside your home, too. Even if your home isn’t infested yet, they can find any termites that are in the ground outside or already eating away at your deck or the outside of your home.
If They Find Termites…
If the inspector finds any termites, they’ll let you know the extend of the problem. After this, they’ll also be able to walk you through the different extermination methods and which option will fit your needs the best.
If They Don’t…
If they don’t find anything, that’s great!
You should never few this as a waste of money. Think of it as prevention instead. Ignoring termites if you think you have an infestation will only cause the problem to get worse, meaning you’ll have to spend more money to fix it later.
You should always get an inspection to rule out any trouble.
How Much Does a Termite Inspection Cost?
So how much does a termite inspection cost?
While the exact price depends on the specifics of the job, a termite inspection isn’t expensive. It’s well worth the money because it will help you get rid of any termites in your home, which will help you save money in the long run.
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